
Saturday, September 21, 2013

connect with me!

A year in nail art.

heart cut out

Kusama inspired dot nails

rainbow dots

tribal pattern

candy corn

heart manicure

easter bunnies



ice-cream cones

purple print

hypnotizing swirls

cutout nails

santa hats

summer stripes

neon frenzy

Dr.Seuss nails

sugar spun 

hawaiian flowers

stripped nails

Friday, September 20, 2013

10 things that make me happy!

Friends with matching bowling shoes.

Getting lost in the corn maze.

Cows with milk mustaches.

Expressive eggs.

Camouflaging in a mask store.

Seeing the street lights turn off in the morning.

Rebellious lady bugs.

Feeling like an ant in the shadow of a ferris wheel.

Finding super piggy banks.

Epic pinball machine art.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

On my mind.

This morning I woke up to discover that I have a new super power!.... I am a mind reader!!
I learned that my brother imagines cheese burgers....
And he dreams of race cars!
My Dad imagines that his fourth grade class will make all A's on their next test!

I even read our pets minds!

Hairiman the Guinea-pig is thinking about tasty vegetables.
And Dave the Dog wishes he had a bone.
What a super fun power!!!!

P.S. thank you +color me Katie for the inspiration!