
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wish Bracelets

These cute little bracelets are more than just a fun accessory... mingled with a bit of magic and whimsy the simple knotted bracelet allows your wishes to come true!
All you have to do is make a wish when tying the bracelet onto your wrist or ankle and leave it there until the bracelet comes untied or falls off in a few weeks and VIOLA your wish will come true! 

This is one of my favorite bracelets to make because it is so simple yet so fun. Here is how to make one of these little guys for yourself!
               - Tape
               - Scissors
               - One color of Embroidery floss
               - 1 wish

step one:
               Measure out a piece of string that is an inch or two longer than you want your bracelet to be but do not cut the string yet.  what you are going to do is measure out a piece that is 5 times as long as the initial length. Then you will fold the string so that one side will be your ideal bracelet length and one side will be four times longer.
step two:
               Tie a knot in the top folded part of the string so that you have a loop at the top and the short string on one side and the long side and tape the top loop to a clear surface.
*From now on I will refer to the short side as the anchor string and the long side as the knotting string.*

Step three:
                  Now to tie the knot! the rest of this bracelet will consist of tying the same knot over and over again. this knot is done by making the strings look like a backwards number 4 by crossing the knotting thread under the anchor thread then pulling the end of the end of the knotting string around the anchor string and through the center of the  backwards '4'. then pull the knotting thread tight!

You will then repeat step three until the bracelet is your desired length or until you only have about an inch of anchor thread left exposed. As you repeat the knot you will start to see the spiral pattern of the bracelet.  I find that after every six to eight knots you will have to pull the knotting string underneath and around the anchor thread so that the knots will be able to continue the spiral pattern instead of a weird jammed squiggle thing.
Step four: 
               When your wish bracelet reaches its desired length you will simply tie off the two strings, and cut off the excess string while still leaving enough of the two strands to tie the bracelet to you wrist! WAH-LAH!

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