In all the madness of the my high school semester I was blessed enough to go on a completely spontaneous and rather magical weekend road trip with my dad. our destination being the ever enchanting carlsbad caverns. For those of you who have yet to visit this whimsical wonder of the world I would live to offer some of my personal insight into the unexpected adventures you may encounter within these cave walls!
From the beginning to end of our trip we wear able to witness some gorgeous scenery as any good road trip should include
Once we arrived at the caverns we began our decent into the gapping mouth of the cave that harbors the reminiscent sent of bats and various cave dwelling creatures.
Remaining pleasantly cool year round at a constant temperature of 56 degrees
But once inside the caverns the real magic begins…
we soon entered the twilight zone and even got to take a trip into fairy land… all of which were filled completely with magnificent limestone stalactites and stalagmites.
Soon after that we encountered the most impressive hall of giants where I was instantly dwarfed in comparison to these ancient and magnificent cave formations.
Once we were finally 75 stories under the ground we stopped for lunch in the cavern cafe were I ate a delicious sandwich…. it somehow seems that sandwiches always taste better at the end of a hick or when they have been duly earned.
The cave somehow seems to cast an almost eery calm on all who enter as they stare in awe of the magnificent natural formations. It was a much needed and truly enjoyable break from the hectic day to day of being a professional high school student!
And along the way we even found happiness! which just so happens to be a charming little dinner near carlsbad!
I do hope you all have an exceptional start to your summer and that you some day get to have your own little road trip to one of the most unique attractions of the land of enchantment!
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